ASTM A216 WCB Chemical Composition & Mechanical Properties

A216 WCB is carbon steel castings for valves, flanges, fittings, or other pressure-containing parts for high-temperature service and of quality suitable for assembly with other castings or wrought-steel parts by fusion welding.

A216 WCB Temperature Range: -29~425°C

A216 WCB Equivalent material: ASTM A105

A216 WCB Suitable Fluid: Oil, Gas, Water, Petrochemical, non Corrosion Fluid

ASTM A216 WCB Chemical Composition

Element  Composition, % , All Value are maximum
    UNS J0302 UNS J02503
Carbon 0.30 (Note B)  0.25 (Note C)
Mangaese 1 1.20 (Note C)
Phosphorus 0.035 0.035
Sulfur 0.035 (Note D) 0.035 (Note D)
Silicon 0.6 0.6
Specified residual elements
Copper 0.3 0.3
Nickel 0.5 0.5
Chromium 0.5 0.5
Molybdenum, max 0.3 0.2
Vanadium 0.03 0.03
Total of these specified residual elements (Note E) 1 1


  1. For each reduction of 0.01 % below the specified maximum carbon content, an increase of 0.04 % Mn above the specified maximum will be permitted up to a maximum of 1.28 %.
  2. For each reduction of 0.01 % below the specified maximum carbon content, an increase of 0.04 % manganese above the specified maximum will be permitted to a maximum of 1.40 %.
  3. For lower maximum sulfur content, see Supplementary Requirement S52.
  4. Not applicable when Supplementary Requirement S11 is specified.

ASTM A216 WCB Mechanical Properties

UNS J0302 UNS J02503
Tensile strength, ksi [MPa] 70 to 95  [485 to 655]  70 to 95  [485 to 655]
Yield strength,A min, ksi [MPa] (Note A) 36 [250] 40 [275]
Elongation in 2 in. [50 mm], min, %  (Note B) 22 22
Reduction of area,  min, % 35 35


  1. Determine by either 0.2 % offset method or 0.5 % extension-under-load method. When ICI test bars are used in tensile testing as provided for in Specification
  2. A703/A703M, the gage length to reduced section diameter ratio shall be 4 to 1.

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